
+34 619 42 11 21

Opening Hours

Mon : 15.00 – 19.00

Tue :   10.00 – 14.00

Wed : Closed

Thu :   15.00 – 19.00

Fri :     10.00 – 14.00


Living a life of health

Your path to wellness

With over 30 years of experience our goal is to find out what is at the root cause of your discomfort. Whether it’s a new injury or something that’s been bothering you for years, we’re here to help you in any way possible.

Chiropractic Treatment

Chiropractors examine your spine and extra-spinal joints to look for areas that are not functioning in the way they are meant to.    We palpate all the joints starting with the pelvis, that is one of the most important and most frequently dysfunctional joints of the spine.   We then move up through the lumbers, up to the thoracic spine and the cervical spine.    We palpate for aberrant motion which means joints that don’t perform their normal multi-directional movement.

Often, we find more than one such joint, since one dysfunctional joint will influence other joints in a negative way.  

Since the spine and pelvis are influenced by extra spinal joints, i.e., knees, feet, wrists, etc., we must make sure these are also working.

Chiropractors use joint manipulation to restore joint movement, this can be done by different methods –

I personally use several techniques to mobilize joints, that could be thrusts into the joint to get movement improved, but also, I use a little device called an activator.  

An activator puts a little push impact into a joint to activate the joint.  The activator is very popular with people that are not in favor of the cracking noise associated with traditional spinal manipulation, especially the cervicals in the neck.

Myofascial Manipulation

During the last 10 years I have gone from mainly treating joints with manipulative treatment to look at the all-important fascia.    Fascia is part of the connective tissue that surrounds and invades all tissues.

Fascia has traditionally only been looked at by therapists, experts and researchers as a packaging material and not given much importance.

In the last 10 years or so, however, we have found that fascia plays a much bigger role in restoring movement and function to the body and its’ joints than we thought.   I now use fascial treatment on everybody – because everybody with a dysfunctional joint will have a problem with the fascia to a smaller or more often a greater degree.   In my opinion fascia is the tissue where every problem starts!

Tight fascia will tighten the joints and often block them.   The fascia is what is painful – not the muscle….it is the largest sensory organ in the body!

Fascia is treated by me with fascial manipulation, which is a persistent massage of the involved tissue, long enough to soften it and restore elasticity in it.  This way the joints regain their mobility at the same time.  In my opinion a chiropractic treatment that neglects to consider the fascial involvement is not a thorough treatment.  

Joints are often blocked because of tight immobile fascia and merely treating the joint is not good enough.   We must examine the surrounding fascia wherever it is located.

The involved fascia can very well be located at a distance from the painful area or joint.   An example could be in a case of sciatic pain, often treated by chiropractors in the pelvic or lumbar region, but with fascial treatment we must include the thoraco-lumbar area or all the way down to the calves.  Quite often that is where the origin of trouble sits causing sciatica.   Treatment with fascial manipulation in conjunction with chiropractic manipulation in my opinion often reduces the number of treatments necessary by at least 50%.